Thursday, September 26, 2013

getting ahead of myself.

My mom, who through all of our trying to conceive, was just sure I needed to relax, to quit worrying about it, has finally come around to realizing it wasn't my stress level, and I wasn't crazy for being so sure something was wrong.  She gets the truth of it all now -- that we're infertile.

Now she's very sensitive to hearing about other couples' struggles with infertility or journeys toward adoption or IVF, or whatever the case may be.  A couple of weekends ago, she called me with news about a couple she met who had adopted a baby.  She had gotten their contact information for me and assured me that the mother was more than happy to talk to me about the process.

Maybe this should make me more uncomfortable than it does, but I'm all for reaching out to others who have struggled with infertility, who have chosen one path over the other, who have taken the adoption route or the IVF route, or whatever.  I'm all about making connections and learning from other people who have been there.  As I've said many times, this is a very lonely road, so if talking with others who have been there makes it a little bit more bearable, then I'm goin' for it.

So I called this gal.  Remember, though, that I've got IVF scheduled.  It's happening in December.  All of my focus should be on staying positive and getting ready for this life-changing procedure, right?

Why can I not just keep my focus on IVF??

Should I really be calling complete strangers that my mom talked to about adoption?  Should I really even be thinking about that right now?  Am I dooming my chances at IVF by not putting all of my figurative eggs in one basket?  Does this mean I'm not totally committed to IVF?  Does this mean I don't believe it will work?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions, and I am likely to drive myself nuts considering the possibilities if I dwell on them too long.  But it all does make me wonder.  Should I be less realistic and instead, more optimistic?  Probably.  And I'm working on it, but I haven't mastered it yet.

I'm incredibly aware that I essentially have a 50/50 shot at this.  I think maybe my way of coping with this incredibly unsettling probability and my awareness of the fact that this very well may not work, is to keep my mind open to all of the other possibilities...  Maybe my thinking is that if I keep investing myself into other options, if IVF doesn't work, I won't crash so hard knowing that there is a next step.

Really, though, I want to be excited.  I want to truly anticipate our upcoming IVF and hope-hope-hope that it works.  And I want to believe that it can work and that it will work.  How do I convince myself of these things?  How do I live in the moment?

I called that woman.  And she talked with more for over an hour and was so kind and so supportive.  And she, like all other women dealing with infertility, made me feel as though I'm in good company.  She taught me a lot about the process and what to expect if we do go down that road.  And she made me feel hopeful -- that one way or another, I will be a mother.

But right now my path is to see if I can achieve motherhood through IVF.  I want to focus on that and only that.  Does anyone have any tips?  How do I put my blinders on and quit constantly considering the possibility that it won't work?


  1. I tend to over-research whenever I have an issue. I find out everything I can about not just the first hurdle, but the next TEN. To that end, I haven't even started ovulation drugs and have read up on IUI, IVF, and foster-adoption. I guess it may not be normal to look that far ahead, but I can't do anything else! Also, I nominated you for the Liebster award! Don't feel pressured to participate, but I wanted to let you know :)

    1. Anne,

      First of all, you just made my day with your kindness! I would love to participate. :)

      And thank you, also, for your comments on my posts. It feels so nice knowing that someone out there is hearing what I have to say, and I appreciate every single new connection I make in this community. I'm so grateful to you.

      I'm so relieved to read your comment about looking too far ahead -- I was feeling like a crazy person! I guess it's just natural and maybe even an aspect of coping to think about our options and try to prepare ourselves. I hope that we each get wonderful results soon and can put all of this worrying, anxiety, unknown, and sadness to rest!
